Little Life Update...

By Katieemay @katieemay1
I've been a but m.i.a this past week on the blog so I thought I'd give you a little life update.
I've just got back to school to do my final year and let me tell you, there is a shedload of work already, and it's only week 2! So if I don't post for a while, the main reason is probably because I'm buried under a mountain of work and need saving.
I've also been busy trying to finish my story on Wattpad. If you follow me on there or on twitter, you'll have seen that I've tweeted about it a bit, so you should go check it out! Being the ever indecisive person I am, I've changes the name of it (again) to Dream World and it's going to part of a series I think.
If you haven't already guessed, this next year me and all my friends are turning 18 which means lots of parties etc. and one of my best friends, Kim (who I go to all the McFly concerts with!) has decided that for her's (in april) that we're going to Disneyland Paris! Be prepared for me to be excited for it for the next 6 months! That also means that I have a load of money to save up for the trip which means more washing up shifts at the pub. It's a hard life!
So theres a little life update and hopefully I'll be posting soon.
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