'Little Georgie Moonbat' Wants to Kill All the 'sheepie-weepies' - the Swine!

By Davidduff

So, today the situation remains the same here at D&N in that I am writing on a subject about which I know nothing - well, I wouldn't want to startle you all with some expertise!  Anyway, I gather that 'little Georgie Moonbat' (lGM)is running a campaign against nice, cuddly 'sheepie-weepies' on account of their disgusting habit of eating anything that grows!

I am relying on Ms. Camilla Smith at The Coffee House for my information and according to her, 'lGM' wants all the sheep slaughtered (including all those lovely little baa-lambs that gambol so prettily for me as I drive past every morning on my way to the swimming pool!) but especially those that chew their way across the highlands of Britain.  Apparently, 'lGM' wishes to return all that highland countryside back to Mother Nature so that trees will cover the hills again because, and this is his main point, trees and their roots soak up heavy rainfall better than anything!  Well, given the flooding we have suffered this year I suppose, to quote the oft' chanted cry, 'something must be done'! 

The problem is that the 'something' will be decided and implemented by government - yeeeeees quite! - and will be interfered with by Brussels.  Perhaps the worst problem will be that the mouth-dribbling, swivel-eyed Greenies will push to have their say in what is decided and so you can absolutely depend on the wrong solution being applied.

I'm agin it!  Why? Well, I, wisely, bought a house next to a church which has not been washed away in a thousand years, so stuff the rest of you even if you have to paddle a canoe from the sitting room to the kitchen!  Second, and just as important, I love English lamb, in fact, I love to lower the car window as I drive past the gamboling lambkins and shout, "Spring lamb!" at them.  So that settles the matter - end of!