Little Dog Reunited with Owners After 3 Years and 200 Miles

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

After having gone missing for 3 years, a small Yorkshire Terrier named Rexxn, is reunited with his family just in time for Christmas after being found in another state almost 200 miles away from home.

CBS Detroit reports, Dec. 23, 2015, that earlier this month, Donna Wreford found a small Yorkshire Terrier wandering around her home in Romulus, a suburb of Detroit, Michigan.

After asking around the neighborhood, Wreford took the dog to the Romulus (city) Animal Shelter.

Workers at the shelter used an electronic wand to scan the dog and determined he had a microchip implant that had owner information on file with the American Kennel Club (AKC). Workers contacted the AKC, who confirmed that the dog had been reported missing by a family in Columbus, Ohio more than three years ago.

So the AKC contacted the owners, Ta-Shina and Darrin Green.

After confirming the good news with the animal shelter, the Greens immediately got in their car, drove 200 miles in 3½ hours, and made it to the shelter just before closing time. There, they were reunited with Rexxn.

Ta-Shina Green said, “After three years I never thought I would see my dog again. This truly is the best Christmas ever for our family. When Rexxn came up missing I was nine months pregnant, and my daughter (now three years old) and Rexxn are already attached to one another as though he had been with us her whole life.”

Rexxn with Ta-Shina Green and daughter

After arriving back home in Columbus, Rexxn was examined by a veterinarian who undertook multiple surgical incisions to remove the matted and tangled fur that had grown into the little dog’s skin. Rexxn is healing fine and spends most of his day cuddled up right next to his family.

Ta-Shina said, “The vet said other than the fur matting and some physical effects of living on the streets, Rexxn was relatively healthy overall and has a great temperament.”

Romulus Mayor LeRoy D. Burcroff said he hopes the story will be a reminder to all pet owners to consider having their pet microchipped “to ensure all pets make it back home.”

Here’s contact info. for Romulus Animal Shelter. Send them a “thank you” note!
