Little Butterflies and Big Love! a Wedding

By Claire

Gail and Mark’s Tythe Barn wed­ding was sub­mit­ted by wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Mar­tin Bed­dall. Gail wrote a short wed­ding report to go along with the pic­tures, and I’m going to leave the wed­ding pho­tographs to tell their own story. Because they do — all on their own.

Mar­tin is a doc­u­men­tary wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher in Sus­sex and a friend and spon­sor of Eng­lish Wed­ding blog. His focus is on cap­tur­ing moments dur­ing your wed­ding day; his tal­ent is in record­ing your wed­ding day in the most beau­ti­ful way. There’s rather an unusual ‘part two’ to this blog fea­ture com­ing up tomorrow.

Stay tuned… for now though, over to Gail to tell you about her wed­ding to Mark.

My bird­cage veil was made by my Mum! My shoes were Miss KG from Deben­hams, and my jew­ellery from Carat.

I wore a Jesus Peiro hal­ter­neck dress with a 50s style, bought from a shop in Spain.

Suits were hired from Green­woods, shoes Kurt Geiger.

It was a per­fect day – the sun came out just before the cer­e­mony and did not stop shin­ing all day. We had a beau­ti­ful out­door cer­e­mony and the venue was a per­fect set­ting with a relaxed but tra­di­tional Eng­lish feel. We both had an amaz­ing day which we will never for­get, and wish we could do all over again.

My most mem­o­rable moment was walk­ing down the pagoda aisle with my Dad to beau­ti­ful music and see­ing all our friends and fam­ily, then finally see­ing the groom.

Gail’s wed­ding day advice

Don’t stress about any­thing and enjoy every moment. Also, move around the tables speak­ing to the guests in between courses to max­imise the time you have to talk to everybody.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

The Tythe Barn

Mar­tin Bedall (see Martin’s Eng­lish Wed­ding Show­case Page too)

Beauty Call

Riche de Fleurs

Thank you to Mar­tin Bed­dall for the sub­mis­sion, and to Gail for the wed­ding report and sup­plier infor­ma­tion. See the full blog post of Gail and Mark’s wed­ding too!

As I men­tioned quickly above, these pic­tures and the lit­tle hop around the inter­net I did to source infor­ma­tion for this post have inspired another blog post which is com­ing up tomor­row at 11am.

Have a great day!

Claire xx