LITTLE BROWN DOG SAVED! Thanks to Those Who Pay Attention to Things Like This!

By Everythinganimal

"Patrick" the miracle dog!

Good Morning all!  Here we are at Monday once again and I thought I'd start the week off with a "happy ending"!  I'm publishing this story so that we can all sit back and realize that we can make a difference! Yup, all of us can actually make a statement about the things we feel strongly about and I want to thank everyone who follows all of our stories about abused animals, animals that truly need everyone to be concerned! You've all shown that when we get together and make our voices known, things happen!
Here's the follow up on a shocking story that was published on one of my favorite blogs, "Dogs, cats and crap I talk about!" These guys do a great job of bringing us some of the best rescue information around.  Please bookmark their blog so you can stay on top of their stories!  Thanks to T. Castle for providing such great info too!
It's great to know that these animals can and will continue to be helped simply by each of us staying on top of things and making our valuable opinions known.  Please check out the latest update on "Patrick, the little brown dog" who was saved.  In the latest up date, you will find a link to the facebook page of the person who is responsible for starving Patrick!  Let's let this person know exactly how we feel about a fellow human being that could do something like this to a defenseless animal!  I'm sure she'd like to know exactly how "real human beings" think and take care of God's creatures. 
Please feel free to send us your own great stories!  We love to hear from all of our readers and we try to answer and post everything that comes to us!  Send us some of your favorite pics of your dog or puppy too!  We'll be dedicating an album for all of our friends out there!  Page should be up this week!
Have a great Monday and keep up the great work guys!  Our animals will be all the better for your efforts.  And remember, YOUR VOICE MATTERS!
Thanks for reading!  Denise & Max!

Max and I thank ALL our readers
for being so involved in our causes!