Literary Links: Looking for Some Good Science Fiction and Fantasy?

By Curlygeek04 @curlygeek04

Warm weather means outdoor reading, and if you’re looking to pick up some new science fiction or fantasy, these links will help.

If you’re looking to diversify or change up your science fiction and fantasy reading, here are two links with recommendations.  SFF Book Reviews has a two-part list of favorite diverse science fiction and fantasy authors.  The list not only recommends some great authors but suggests where you should start. And the New York Times just ran this article by the great N. K. Jemisin with her recommendations for the latest science fiction and fantasy releases.

If you’re short on funds, or just looking for a good deal, check out the current Humble Bundle offering of books by Nebula Prize winning authors.  For only $1-$20, you can get a giant pile of science fiction and fantasy e-books.  I picked up e-books by Nalo Hopkinson, Karen Jay Fowler, Kelly Link, Mary Robinette Kowal, Connie Willis, John Scalzi, Octavia Butler, Yoon Ha Lee, Jane Yolen, and Nnedi Okorafor.  Also included are classic authors such as Isaac Asimov, Harlan Ellison, William Gibson and Alfred Bester.  Humble Bundle is a site that packages older e-books from publishers and lets you pay what you want for the bunch, and some of the money even goes to charity.  These aren’t going to be the big-name sellers, but if you’re interested in reading deeper into the works of any of these authors, check it out.  I’m going to sound like a TV commercial, but this offer is for a limited time – it goes away in four days.

And finally, if you’re looking for a re-read, you’ve probably heard about the new Pottermore Book Club, where you can re-read the Harry Potter books along with the whole Pottermore universe.  I’ve been wanting to reread the books, although I know I won’t because there are too many other books I want to read.

Hope you’re enjoying May, sunny weather and the kickoff of summer.  I’m also looking forward to this year’s 20 Books of Summer – not that I need more incentive to read.  I just need time and a lot of sunscreen.