Listing Obamacare Lies Told by Barack Obama

Posted on the 04 April 2013 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos

By Susan Duclos
Andrew Malcolm over at Investors Business Daily has  compiled a list of lies Americans were told and continue to be told about Barack Obama and Democrats' signature healthcare law referred to as Obamacare
List below:
• Remember how ObamaCare was going to save you money? A lie
• Remember how ObamaCare was going to cover more than 44 million uninsured Americans? LIE
• Remember how ObamaCare was not going to add "one single dime" to costs? LIE
• Remember how last year the Supreme Court, lead by a cowed Chief Justice John Roberts, finally settled in the affirmative the legality of ObamaCare's core individual mandate, which takes effect next January?
(As a tax, after Obama lied on national television and said it wasn't a tax.)
• Remember how ObamaCare was going to be paid through a variety of new taxes including one on medical devices, an area in which American inventors and entrepreneurs are world pioneers?  LIE.
• Remember the 50 complex state healthcare exchanges that were going to offer competitive plans for individuals to purchase starting in October? According to the Supreme Court, Obama cannot force states to participate.
• Remember Obama's oft-made promise?
"No matter how we reform health care," he vowed, "we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what." LIE
Malcolm provides the details for each individual statement and promise made above and shows that none of it going to happen, none of it was true.
All lies.
Read the entire IBD article.