Listening to Your Intuition

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I’m back today after a week of work and writing and running. Sometimes it’s hard to juggle everything some days, especially those days when I know I should run, but I’d rather write. I’m sure you all have been there before.

But enough about that. Today, I want to talk about something else. I want to talk about honoring our intuition. That inner voice we all have. Our gut.

Photo credit: Ankher on

First, what is the definition of intuition? It is the ability to understand something without conscious reasoning.

It’s the ability to get a “vibe” about something and immediately know if it is for you or not.

When you’re just learning to use your intuition, it’s hard to follow it because there’s no rational reason for why you feel the way you do. I can give you an example. I applied for a job, and the interview went well. But I got a disturbing vibe off one of the other employees.

I ignored it. I wanted the job. I should’ve passed. That said employee made my life miserable. I ended up quitting after three months.

Photo credit: ceriseyyy on

There are times when I didn’t ignore my intuition, and I’m thankful I didn’t. Even though, I didn’t understand why my gut told me what it did at the time. Later on down the line, I understood, and I was thankful I listened.

So, how do you tap into your intuition?

Meditation is one way. Learning to quiet yourself, so you can hear your inner voice is a great way to do it. A good way to do this is to sit quietly and focus on your breathing for a good ten to thirty minutes.

Photo credit: AlexRK on VisualHunt

Journalling is another way. Writing down your thoughts freely will help you tap into what’s going on in your subconscious.

Photo credit: gbSk on Visualhunt

Another way is to spend time in nature by yourself, and see what thoughts come to you as you either walk through the forest or walk down the beach.

Photo credit: vossen.fotografie on

Spend time daydreaming.

Spend time doodling or working with some form of art.

Everyone taps into their intuition differently. Try a few different ways and see which one works for you.

So, you may ask how do I know when that inner voice is my intuition and when it’s just me overthinking. I’m an INFJ and we overthink, sometimes. 😉 Anyway, your intuition will always come as a neutral communication. It’ll say things like “you might want to go this direction.” It will never say “go this way or else.”

So, there you have it. Ways to tap into your intuition and how it’ll talk to you. How about you? What way do you tap into your intuition? Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!