Listen to Your Heart, Today.

By Jenrene

Listen to your heart. The whispers by which your heart informs you.
Listen to the beat, its cadence… as it undulates.

Moves smoothly, Freely… Finds its rhythm.

Your heart tells you when to STOP.  Slow Down…

It tells you when to GO.

Your heart tells you when
Your heart tells you when to Pray, to BELIEVE…To trust.
Your heart warns you of DANGER.
Your heart tells you when to FEEL. What to feel.

When to see the truth.
When to not doubt, when its time to move FORWARD.

When to LET GO…

When To BE.
Your heart tells you when to BREATHE.

When it’s time to SING. When it’s time to experience!
When to SORROW… and to GRIEVE.
Your heart knows JOY. When to …LIVE it.

When to LOVE it.

It provides the DIRECTION, the PACE, the PATTERN.

…If only you LISTEN.

Your heart knows PAIN. FEEL it.
Your heart knows PEACE. CULTIVATE It.
LISTEN first to your heart, or…you aren’t really LIVING.
It’s God’s microphone to your DESTINY.

Its pitter-patter has a CAUSE. LISTEN.

Your heart has a CALL.
Let the call LEAD you to SAFE places.

Places where GROWTH happens.
Where REASON is exchanged for WISDOM.

Where your INTUITION speaks louder than your desires.
Where HOPES and INTENTIONS herald your FAITH.

Listen to your heart, today.
Its leading you.   Lending You CAUTION to the wind.

Helping you to UNDERSTAND…
PACE yourself, BRACE yourself. MAKE your-SELF.

PLACE. Yourself.

In a large place. A place where God’s VOICE reigns.

It’s the place of His communication. Where the Judge takes His seat.
Where He Determines your FATE.

The heart is a place where God dwells…conquers your fears;

Helps you to STAND…
Definitively. Proudly. With DIGNITY and with GRACE.
With PURPOSE and  with PASSION…

Save Yourself.

Listen to your heart today.

photo by JenRene Owens