Lisbon: Rossio Square, Historic Trams, Codfish...

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

I had arrived in Lisbon, Portugal, getting my Summer holiday started was my main priority! Of course, a Pandemic 'Travel Dream' was about to come true because those yellow trams would be clocked! Rossio Square would be my starting point, doubling as my exit route, also. Codfish and caipirinhas would be enjoyed, Lisbon welcomed my jet-lagged self! Eu estava pronto! So, ready! 

Leaving the cashless society that is 'Mainland China' is always a kicker to begin with, sure it didn't take long to get used to those Euro paper notes and coins. You should've seen me at the Airport metro station because I looked like a damn fool trying to decipher which ticket I would need to get down to Rossio? The transit system in Lisbon kept me moving in the right direction, I had no issues transiting in a directional sense but with a suitcase those stairs weren't a mood at all! Emerging from the underground platform at 'Rossio', I clocked the super cheap coffee shops and Pasteis De Natas during those first glances! Booking the right accommodation in the right area saw me looking all over the city, sure as destiny would have it I had made the right choice with a base that connected at 'Rossio Square' because 'Estação Oriente' would be where my Porto train would leave from several days later. Did the air taste different? It absolutely did as I stepped onto the square from the metro steps! P, it was a pleasure to be back on the Continent! 

Europe hit different, I had waited a long time to take those first steps in Lisbon and gratitude was a feeling that I felt! My 'Central House - Lisbon, Baixa' was very easy to find because I had my Portuguese sim card guiding me with those crafty Apple Maps! No, I didn't need a VPN anymore! I tried my luck to check-in even though it was just before 10 in the morning, that early morning arrival had worked out fine. The 'Hostel Gods' were definitely looking down on me that morning because I was able to check-in well before the standard time! That early check-in was a blessing, I wanted to get out onto the street because I didn't want my jet-lag to hit me! I had slept remarkable well on that overnight flight from China, that left me feeling half powered for my first day in Lisbon! Jerónimos Monastery, who? I was already planning an upcoming day out to Lisbon's Belém District for my fourth day in the city. Needing to use my VISA debit card was another thing to get used to again, I just use my phone for payments in China, regardless! Vai! 

My hostel had me covered, I took a left and another left where I found 'Rua de Santa Justa' staring at me with a clear view of Lisbon's famous 'Elevador de Santa Just/Santa Justa Lift'. I would for sure be walking in that direction but I wanted to relive a much missed Portuguese 'cafeteria' experience, reconnecting Newark's Ironbound District with Lisbon was non-negotiable! It was love at first sight when my eyes set upon 'Cafeteria Correio Azul', that honest looking snack bar had me gooped with a side-street location with outdoor seating to boot! The heat in China had been suffocating but Lisbon served up a manageable dry heat without any sign of humidity in the air. I saw a draft pint of 'Super Bock' beer being enjoyed by another customer, I wanted one of those quick-time but with something hearty to eat at the same time! You know that I ordered a 'half-pint' of Super Bock because I could always have another one later, I did just that! To eat, I ordered a ham and cheese sandwich on fresh bread. It was major!

Sipping on my beer and enjoying that sandwich felt much more than a early lunch, it was a whole cultural experience with those carbs present! Watching the world go by was just what I needed to see, life carried on around me as I observed with culture served in every direction! I knew that I would be back to that cafeteria next to the post office because it reconnected me with those same homely Portuguese coffee shops I used to walk past during my time living in Newark, NJ, USA! Leaving that culture stop behind me, I walked towards that famous and very busy looking 'lift', I marveled at it from ground level but I didn't feel the need to pay for the pleasure to see the city from a great height. I had plans for the next day to see Lisbon for a similar fee, I didn't want to jump on the first point of interest! Was I on a mission? Maybe? I found myself walking down a main road with the 'Tagus River' in plain sight, I wasn't mad about that double blue view! Food was on my mind, I wanted to satisfy another 'Ferry Street' craving! Bacalhau?

Treading those cobbles felt correct because I documented those plans to visit Lisbon during the beginning of 2020s first UK Lockdown. With nothing but blue skies and culture for miles, I was able to check another destination from my 'COVID-19 wishlist!' One element had to be those yellow historic Lisbon trams, I had even searched where the 28 route passed through, I was able to take a chance to find one of those very same hills after turning onto 'Rua Conceição!' A hilly city? I was about to find out that Lisbon would challenge me beyond my physical ability at the time, nevertheless I ascended up that steep hill with the promise of seeing both ascending and descending trams pass me by. I had food on the brain because I saw a rustic yet simple restaurant pass me by before I climbed the hill, that would be my lunch spot! Those cobbled were trying to trip me up, I had to keep an eye on my footing and those bewildered American tourists! Yes, those culture starved tourists really knew how to hold up the pedestrian flow! Go!

I felt like my day was complete when those yellow historic trams trundling up and down that steep hill, a travel dream of my had come true in real life motion! I unapologetically snapped several photos because I didn't want to miss this moment for the world! Lockdown was a harsh time for for a travel hungry person like me, holding onto that transportation sight felt correct to me! I made the most of those trams passing by in both directions, I watched them go past with much interest, the fact that I had made it to Lisbon felt so magical! 'Like A Prayer', 'Igreja de Santo António de Lisboa/Church of Saint Anthony of Lisbon' presented itself to me as I walked up the hill. I stepped inside this endearing looking place of worship because religious freedom is important to me, let me choose my words carefully! Remembering one specific detail, I'll be determined to say that 'St. Anthony's' hosted a mass in 'Cantonese!' Serving a possible 'Macau' connection, I was happy to think that those settled Macanese could devote their prayers, just so. 

Honestly, the only way to cope with my jet-lag was to continue to eat and drink everything in my path! I had already devoured that sandwich and seen off those beers at the cafeteria but that tram filled hill had me wanting a larger meal before I completely crashed. 'Restaurante Ruca' had already caught my eye a little earlier on, I pledged that I would be back because they had a menu with photos! I knew what I wanted and there would be no compromise, I ordered 'Bacalhau Grelhado/Grilled Codfish' with no starters required, I cracked open a small bottle of Portuguese red wine to start with! Now, the decor and feel of 'Restaurante Ruca' took me back to the newly expanded seating area within Newark's own 'Ferry Street Barbecue Restaurant'. I wasn't kidding, it felt as if December 2019 had copied and pasted that return moment without thinking about it! No mistakes, none at all! My grilled fish was served up to me quickly, I was impressed with the speedy service with things feeling laid back. Let me digest this meal further! 

Laid on a bed of leafy green cabbage, served with baby potatoes and enough garlic to ward off Dragcula, I was in food heaven! The fish had been cooked to perfection, it literally felt apart when I put my fork into it, I was yet again thanking myself for choosing Lisbon! The red wine was going down famously, it was a moment to finally celebrate the hectic academic year that had been with glorious food that was flavourful and rich. A dessert I would find down the road, I bought a one Euro meringue that I ate on my way back closer to my hostel. I needed to collect myself because the tiredness was hitting me by that point, I decided to return to 'Cafeteria Correio Azul' for a capirinha or two. Those Brazilian inspired cocktails definitely hit right! I firmly believed that having a few strong drinks would help me with the sleep I wanted to have that night. I had enjoyed my first day in Lisbon for what it was, an absolute pleasure and more! I slept like a baby that night, awaking the next day without any trace of tiredness or jet-lag. Yes!

Lovely Lisboa! 

Desperately Seeking Adventure