Lisbon is the Coolest

By Danielleabroad @danielleabroad
Portugal may be the only former imperial power overshadowed by its former colony (Brazil). It's a shame, really. Because when I say Lisbon is "the coolest", I'm not even exaggerating. The architecture and design--ranging from medieval to contemporary--is spectacular. The chefs and bartenders are young and creative. Even the abandoned buildings are charming, and thankfully, many are being restored to their original splendor. Lara, Lorelei, and I truly could not get enough of the under-the-radar Portuguese capital. [Estação Oriente] [Mosteiro de Jeronimos] [Pastel de nata from Pastéis de Belém] [Ferry to Cacilhas] [Cristo Rei] [Aperitif at U Chiado Trendy Bar] [Digestif at Pensão Amor] [Morning coffee at Tartine] [Santa Justa lift]
[Jardim Botânico] [Aperitif at the Terrace BA, Bairro Alto Hotel] [Portuguese tapas dinner at Restaurant Pharmacia] [After-dinner drinks at Bar Funicular] [Ruinas do Convento do Carmo] [Museu do Design et da Moda] [Lunch at Fábulas] [Quintessential Tram 28 ride] From the moment I arrived at Estação Oriente, I was in love. Is it not amazing? Then I went down to the metro (see photo above) to meet Lara and Lorelei at our apartment. Each day, multiple times throughout the day, we recounted how insane it was that we'd never heard anyone rave about Lisbon. There's so much to see and do, and at such a low price! Even in four days, we hardly covered it all. But I certainly enjoyed myself greatly, and thanks to my friends (who are better planners than I--as usual), was able to seek out the very best sights and tastes; two of which I'll highlight in upcoming posts. Back to the grad school grind until then.