Lisa Rusczyk: Questions to Share, Connect and Grow at the Dinner Table

By Jaideep Khanduja @PebbleInWaters

Dinner Table Conversation is a crucial subject – Lisa Rusczyk

Most of the time we don’t share, connect and grow at dinner table – Lisa Rusczyk

If you want to learn about the dinner table conversation, this book from Lisa Rusczyk will teach how to share, connect and grow.

This short and crisp but sumptuous book 50+ Questions to Ask While at the Dinner Table: Questions to Share, Connect and Grow by Lisa Rusczyk. 22 pages in the book are equivalent to a 22-course meal. It is important to learn a lot of things to do and not to do when we sit at the dinner table. Most of the time we are blank and don’t know how to start a conversation or how to respond to a question asked by someone else. It is a well-known fact that our brain works in a different manner when we are at the dinner table. After a long hectic day when you come and sit at the dinner table you have a lot of things running in your mind. But it is more important to enjoy that time with family and friends. That is why it is important to understand how to start a conversation initiating from your end or how to get it started by someone else sitting at the dinner table.

50+ Questions to Ask While at the Dinner Table: Questions to Share, Connect and Grow by Lisa Rusczyk emphasizes that we should try to not judge ourselves or others answering these questions. As these are not the questions for evaluation but for a different reason. There is nothing right or wrong in the answer. These questions do not have set patterns of answers. Answers could be any. In a way, this book is a safe list for the entire family. In my opinion, the book is important to be read by all in the family to bring everyone on the same page. It works as an alignment tool. It tunes the frequency and wavelength of your conversation at the dinner table to an optimal extent. The book has been written in a crisp and simple way. It is good to set few guidelines so as to bring a comfort level and confidence in you. At times, it is seen people battling to kill silences at the dinner table. At least, this book sets a momentum in you as to what kind of questions to ask while you are at the dinner table with friends and family.

The real purpose behind 50+ Questions to Ask While at the Dinner Table: Questions to Share, Connect and Grow by Lisa Rusczyk #DrLisa is to bring a joy factor at the dinner table. The book helps you to understand how to enjoy at its best by killing those dull moments. Usually, everyone wants to enjoy the time spent at the dinner table. But at times, you feel something missing or lacking during the dull moments when there is no communication or conversation. The book can help you in many ways becoming an expert in managing any kind of dull moments at any meeting or gathering. Overall, 50+ Questions to Ask While at the Dinner Table: Questions to Share, Connect and Grow by Lisa Rusczyk will equip with a set of peppy questions to ask while at the dinner table. 
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