Lion’s Gate 2015: Stepping into Your Spiritual Power!

By Angellightheart @engelencoaching

A most special time awaits us. In the calendar of the Tzolkin kalender the 25 of July is the Day out of Time. Which means the 26th is the spiritual New Year. This periode of the year had been known as the Lion’s Gate as the constellation Leo aligned with the pyramid of Giza, says Celia Fenn.

Both the sun and sirius are rising, bringing the powers of gold and blue. Sirius used to bring us many Master Teachers. So…what does this mean for us in 2015? Well, as Celia says so beautifully:

Now, in 2015, we are being given the chance to live the process of integrating the Gold Frequency in the process of Ascension. And, as the Blue Sun rises in the morning sky, we are reminded that waves of Love and Blessings are pouring out to us from the Sun, from Sirius, from the Great Central Sun at the Center of the Galaxy, and from the Cosmic Sun or Heart.The Blue Sun represents the Love and Support of advanced beings of Light who have incarnated on Earth or who have guided consciousness in other ways in order to achieve this moment of deep change when the Earth is ready to become a Body of Light and a Multi-dimensional Blue and Gold Star.

The Lion’s Gate opens on July 26, with its peak at the powerful moment of 8-8 and it then closed on the 12th. This is a time to connect to our own spiritual power and all the guidance available from our Higher Self and Spirit Guide Team. Those sensitive will feel this strongly and may download packages/downloads of Light. As I mentioned to a friend the other day, it seems we are on an ascension high Way. It is like high speed internet with all the downloads.

This can be a very intense time where we are forced to let go of stuff that no longer serves us. At the same time these are magical times when it becomes so much easier to raise your vibration and work with your Spirit Guide Team. As such is becomes easier to be true to your True Self and Soul Purpose.

Keep an eye on the blog as within this time frame we also have a full moon on the 31st. As it is the second full moon of July it is a Blue Moon, bringing in powerful energies to set intentions in line with your Soul Purpose!

<3"><3"><3 Cathelijne

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