LinkedIn Today – What You Should Know
Are you using LinkedIn today to look for a new job, to network or share your content from? LinkedIn is one of those networks that many people do not sign into often. They sign up, fill out their profile and connect with others. They don’t go in often to update or check for updates like they may do on Facebook or Instagram. Only 40% of LinkedIn users sign in daily. That means 60% do not sign into to check their LinkedIn account. How often do you check your LinkedIn account? If you are one that does not check in to LinkedIn often, here are some updates you may want to know about today.
Did you know LinkedIn today has had some recent updates?
Who’s Viewed Your Profile - You can see who has been viewing your profile. Good to know if you view others profiles. They will know it was you.
Who’s Viewed Your Updates – I love this one. You think everyone is seeing your updates in their stream? Not so! But it does give you an indication of who and how many are seeing your posts on this social network.
Pulse – The news just for you in a stream. You can also see which topics on LinkedIn are top posts or discover new topics to explore.
Ads You May Be Interested In – Really? This is definitely interesting! It’s at the bottom right hand corner of your LinkedIn feed. It gives you choices of viewing ads on the network.
Groups – Are you missing your groups? They can be found under interests now. You will find your same groups there but they may look different.
Self Publish – Did you know that everyone can now self-publish on LinkedIn today? Just remember it’s like any social network – it’s rented space and not your own as on your own blog. The advantage to publishing on this network would be to appear as an expert in your field. I’d love to know if you have used this feature yet – please let me know in the comments below.
LinkedIn Today’s Other Features
LinkedIn Today has some of it’s older features like jobs you might be interested in. They will show you jobs based on your profile on the network. You can make your settings turn this to private so others will not see what you are looking at for jobs. The same setting would apply if you are updating your profile and do not want your network to know about your recent tweaks. I would recommend setting that to private as well.
Groups are still big on LinkedIn. Groups are where you can get to know other liked minded individuals in your niche. They are great to participate in and meeting up with in person if they are local.
Sharing – LinkedIn is a great network to share useful links within your niche. You can share images, quotes, links and more now on this network than ever before.
Premium Feature – You may also purchase LinkedIn’s premium features to get more out this network like: Full network access – See 35x more profiles and activity with full access to everyone in your 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree network, get a premium profile to look more professional, in-mail messages – so you can reach decision makers if they are NOT in your network, account and lead import from Sales Force and more! Prices start at $23.99/mo and up for the premium edition of LinkedIn. If you are a job seeker only they have other plans starting at $19.99 to make you rise to the top as a featured applicant.
Other LinkedIn Stats
Check out more LinkedIn Today stats below that may convince you to log in more to your account or to have you sign up if you have not already. One hint – If you are looking for a job be sure to have your message notifications ON in your mobile device or log in daily to your account. You would not want to miss messages for a job interview lined up for you.
How often are you using LinkedIn Today?
I’d love to know if you have used the self-publish feature or if you have found a job through LinkedIn.