Link Round Up: November 28 – December 4

Posted on the 04 December 2013 by Lesbrary @lesbrary


Autostraddle posted Lez Liberty Lit #34: I Know Where Waldo Is and More Than Words: Queer Internet Linguistics.

Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian posted Holiday Wish List: Don’t Bring Me Figgy Pudding, Give Me Books! and Queer Canadian Books for Everyone!: A Holiday Gift Guide.

Lambda Literary posted New in December: Morrissey, Jennifer Reed, Jameson Currier, Keja L. Valens, and Randall Mann.

The Other Alliance posted Outer Alliance Podcast #37.

Women and Words posted Countdown to the Hootenanny.

Sassafras Lowrey posted Thanksgiving and a gift for you, the kicked out.

Andi Marquette posted The HOOTENANNY!


The Panopticon by Jenni Fagan was reviewed at Lindy Reads and Reviews.

Head Off and Split: Poems by Nikky Finney was reviewed at Lindy Reads and Reviews.

In Between by Jane Hoppen was reviewed at The Rainbow Reader.

Blue Is the Warmest Color by Julie Maroh was reviewed at Lindy Reads and Reviews.

Bone and Bread by Saleema Nawaz was reviewed at Lindy Reads and Reviews.

Happiness, Like Water by Chinelo Okparanta was reviewed at Lindy Reads and Reviews.

At Her Feet by Rebekah Weatherspoon was reviewed at Lipstick Lesbian Reviews.

“Batwoman: To Drown the World” by JH Williams III, W Haden Blackman, Amy Reeder and Trevor McCarthy was reviewed at Lindy Reads and Reviews.

Web of Obsessions by Diane Wood was reviewed at Lambda Literary.

For even more links, check out the Lesbrary’s twitter page! We’re also on Facebook, Goodreads and tumblr.

This post has the covers linked to their Amazon pages. If you click through and buy something, I might get a small referral fee.