Link Round Up: March 26 – April 10

Posted on the 10 April 2016 by Lesbrary @lesbrary

Autostraddle posted

BCLA LGBTQ Interest Group posted YA Fiction Featuring LGBTQ+ Characters that I Either Love or Am Really Excited About.

Lambda Literary posted The 8th Annual Rainbow Book Fair and New in April: Edmund White, Mariko Tamaki, Jonathan Corcoran, S. Andrea Allen and Lauren Cherelle.

The Teahouse Fire by Ellis Avery was reviewed at Omnivore Bibliosaur.

The Right Side of History: 100 Years of LGBTQI Activism by Adrian Brooks was reviewed at Lambda Literary.

South of Sunshine by Dana Elmendorf was reviewed at Omnivore Bibliosaur.

The Gay Revolution: the Story of the Struggle by Lillian Faderman was reviewed GLBT ALA Reviews.

Searching For Sappho: The Lost Songs and World of the First Woman Poet by Philip Freeman was reviewed at GLBT ALA Reviews.

When I Was Your Girlfriend by Nikki Harmon was reviewed at Sistahs On the Shelf.

Annie on My Mind by Nancy Garden was reviewed by Anna Larner.

Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta was reviewed at BD Live.

Felicity by Mary Oliver was reviewed at Lambda Literary.

Juliana by Vanda was reviewed at Lambda Literary.

Oscar of Between: A Memoir of Identity and Ideas by Betsy Warland was reviewed at Lambda Literary.

This post, and all posts at the Lesbrary, have the covers linked to their Amazon pages. If you click through and buy something, I might get a small referral fee. For even more links, check out the Lesbrary's twitter! We're also on Facebook, Goodreads, Youtube and Tumblr.

Thank you to the Lesbrary's Patreon supporters! Special thanks to Jennifer Holly, Martha Hansen, Emily Perper, and Kath. Support the Lesbrary on Patreon at $2 or more a month and be entered to win a lesbian/queer women book every month!