Link Round Up: February 6 – 12

Posted on the 12 February 2014 by Lesbrary @lesbrary

Hmm, bit of a slow news week for lesbian lit? Well, it hasn’t been slow at the Lesbrary: we’ve recently added a bunch of new reviewers, so look forward to seeing some new names and perspectives in March!


Autostraddle posted

  • Two “New” Poems By Sappho Uncovered and Translated, Prove She’s Still Got It
  • 25 Titles We Considered For This Story About Sappho
  • Lez Liberty Lit #39: Speed Reading

Lambda Literary posted

  • Queer Writing and the Strictures of Identity Politics
  • Gaylaxy Quest: A Celebration of Queer Sci-Fi and Fantasy Fiction
  • The Banal and the Profane: Imogen Binnie

Women and Words posted Down the Line by Fay Jacobs (and book giveaway!)

Secret Lies by Amy Dunne was reviewed at Lesbian Reading Room.

Favourite Dating Tales 2009-2012 (a zine) by Elisha Lim was reviewed by Casey the Canadian Lesbrarian.

For even more links, check out the Lesbrary’s twitter page! We’re also on Facebook, Goodreads, Youtube and tumblr.

This post has the covers linked to their Amazon pages. If you click through and buy something, I might get a small referral fee.