Link Pack #1 – Fonts, Books, Presidents and Playgrounds

Posted on the 27 July 2012 by Thehangline

We Love Typography – a searchable mashup of Pinterest and FFFFound for typography [via swissmiss]

Smashing Magazine’s Free Fonts Roundup - lots of good stuff, but we’ll be seeing these everywhere in about 4 weeks

Ten Dollar Fonts – does this really need an explanation?

Trust Me, I’m Lying – I’m still sticking by the notion that advertisers are not lying, cheating and manipulating us into buying stuff. Maybe that’s because I haven’t done it. But Ryan Holiday claims to be a master manipulator who has turned average products into powerhouse brands (American Apparel, anyone?). Is it true or is his entire story a manipulation? [via Brain Pickings]

Branding the US Presidents - what if every president in history had a logo?

The 12 Most Unique Playgrounds in the World - jealous? yes.

Digg Digg