Link Love (the #fittech Edition)

By Eemusings @eemusings

I've always resisted applying any sort of structure to my running, or exercise in general.

But for the past few weeks I've been living life with a smartwatch and sticking to a running schedule.

Why? I'm helping a friend's company test out their technology - and between the hardware and the app, I'm kinda hooked...

It makes sense, really. I'm an Obliger (according to Gretchen Rubin's Four Tendencies) and so having a routine/schedule to commit to, plus the gamification and points accumulation, actually works for me.

I'm particularly fascinated by the data on my sleeping patterns - the proportion of deep sleep hours vs light sleep hours, and the poor broken graph that pops up on particularly troubled nights.

I've also downloaded an app called Seven, which gives you 7-minute workouts you can do at home, and just might change my life.

What's your approach to working out - structured or not? Does fitness tech and data tracking interest you at all?

This week's linke

Is it terrible to want my BF to earn more? Post-traumatic debt syndrome Would you choose to work? The 7-second rule How to move toward your fears A vulnerability hangover