Link Love (Powered by Rainstorms and Troubled Sleep)

By Eemusings @eemusings

Guys, it’s been a hard week. One of those weeks where I’ve retreated into myself and felt really alone – there’s nobody I want to talk to about it and I haven’t even wanted to write about it just yet.

At this stage, I think I’d rather be back in Italy among the sticky fig trees and blasted horse dung and cleaning the chicken coop and at the topless beach that wasn’t. Yep, even in the 30-40 degree heat (I’d never gotten so sweaty in my life) – though on the plus side Europe has a much stronger ozone layer, so I never got burnt like I would here at home.

This week’s links

The two golden rules to traveling while in debt, via Nomad Wallet

The Billfold on accepting financial assistance from your parents (I used to be super staunch about independence but life has beaten me down; I sure as well would accept help nowadays)

Cordelia Calls it Quits is quitting the entrepreneurial rat race

James Robinson on Medium muses about life in NZ vs the US

Thoughts on culture, race and identity, from My Name is Elizabeth