Just kidding. I have a ton of things on my to-do list for this two-week break. But I did sleep in till 10.30 this morning, so don’t worry, I’m making the most of it.
I’ll be taking a bit of a blogging break, but I may republish some older posts that some of you might have missed.
Have a supercalifragilistic Christmas, and New Year’s, and we’ll see you in 2014.
Last links for the year:
First things first: thanks to Save Spend Splurge for including my post on investing in a new bed in the latest carnival of personal finance!
Her Every Cent Counts vocalises something that bugs me as a PF blogger - my conflicting desires to get ahead financially while so many others struggle around me
Kate of Greatest Escapist on finding happiness, unexpectedly
A peek into the secret life of a food blogger
Jen at Bullish goes into great detail about how to think up moneymaking ideas
Tales from the Trenches asks: Where are the women?
Finally, I’m a sucker for letters to younger selves, and Michelle Minkoff’s one is a goodie.