Link Love (Powered by Cake and Coats)

By Eemusings @eemusings

Dispatches from our animal kingdom:

    Our chickens have probably grown about 50%. They are huge compared to when we first brought them home! They still aren't laying yet. Not exactly sure how old they are but their combs haven't turned red yet (they are in the beginning stages)
    We started off feeding them pellets, which the dog used to try and steal. Now we feed them mash, which she doesn't really seem interested in.
    The dog tends to follow them around curiously but I'm pretty sure we've drilled into her that they are friends, not foes.
    But she will try to chase birds. In fact, she actually managed to catch one the other, unbelieveably. It eventually died 🙁
    She is me in dog form - seriously food motivated, and prefers drinking warm water to cold #asianforlife.

This week's links

Don't follow your passion. I wholly agree, as per this and this

What if you just don't make enough money to get ahead? Auckland house shopping with a $550,000 cap Personal finance lessons from Buffy

This has been a sad week for humanity. But let's remember the vast majority of us are good folk and let's do our bit to preserve that. Here are 2 pieces from Captain Awkward and Ask Polly that made me cry while on the train to work.