Lindos Eats

By Blueoctober @blueoctober__

So these are the last lot of snaps from my holiday, and I've saved the most important for last - the food. For me holidays are all about relaxing and eating good food, and boy did we do that! We ate out every night, and had some really delicious meals. For many of you this will just be photos of said tasty food, but if you are reading this and planning on going to Lindos I hope this will point you in the direction of some gorgeous restaurants. Our favorite thing about eating out in Lindos was the rooftop factor - nearly all the restaurants are set up a level on the rooftop, giving you incredible views and providing a great atmosphere. Lots of people said to us before we left 'you don't go to Greece for the food', well you couldn't have been more wrong. We ate some of the best meals (particularly seafood) we've had in Lindos, so I can firmly discount those rumours. And no, its not all aubergines and feta... although we did eat a lot of both! 

Without further ado, these are some pics - mostly taken on my DSLR but some on my iPhone so apologies for the quality - of our favorite meals eaten in Lindos, Rhodes. Enjoy!(note: most images are of starters, as the sun usually went in around the time our mains came out!)


Odyssia was recommended to us by someone in our hotel and we were so pleased with our visit. There weren't many tables in their rooftop restaurant (compared with restaurants such as Dionysos and Caesars) so we were thrilled to get a table with a great view of the town at sunset. As you can in the image above you are greeted with a courtyard full of gorgeous fuchsia blooms, and steps which take you up to the rooftop. I started with a layer aubergine dish (much like a parmigiana which I did a version of here) which was just delicious, and Rich had a breaded and seeded goats cheese which was equally yummy. Although not pictured, we followed these with seafood linguine for myself and lamb cutlets for Rich. Delicious. 

Without a doubt our favorite restaurant in Lindos boasting a huge menu, but did not let down on quality. We ate here three times (which I never ever do on holiday, but we couldn't resist!) trying dishes such as shrimp saganaki (the best I had in Lindos), stuffed aubergine, baked feta, lobster, mixed souvlaki and moussaka. To name a few! The seabass wrapped in prosciutto was particularly delicious. Super friendly waiters, affordable food and great cocktails. Check them out on twitter or tripadvisor. A must visit if you go to Lindos!

And finally, Caesars! We saw Caroline's recommendation of this restaurant and knew immediately we needed to go - who doesn't want to eat their dinner next to a rooftop pool at the bottom of the acropolis?! The best starter of the holiday goes to Caesars for feta in filo pastry with a honey sauce - literally mouthwatering! I didn't bring my camera out this night so apologies for the iPhone snaps, but you get the idea! Excellent cocktails and great views, another must-visit.