The Lincoln family dynamic as portrayed by Daniel Day- Lewis, Sally Field and Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the eldest son Robert Lincoln, was remarkable. An admitted history buff, the relationship between Abe and Mary Todd has always intrigued me. The actors with Speilberg's direction, took us behind the closed doors of this complex relationship, and what a view. For instance, notice this clip:
In reality, the film is all about human nature. What does, how does one play the cards, play the hand that life has dealt them? Or is it that life has dealt us all a hand or do we choose the hand we play? Additionally, the curtain is pulled back on the democratic process or in other words human nature with free will and courage or lack thereof as part of the mix. This film based on Doris Kearns Goodwin's book 'Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln', shows us all the intricacies of human nature, while dealing with war, bloodshed, wanton violence and oppression. In some ways, 1865 feels similar to 2012.
'Lincoln' is a showcase of excellence, one i won't soon forget!