Lime Link Love // 01.02.14

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

Pinch and a punch and all that! Welcome to February and a another round-up of weekend reading.

  • Grounding: This sounds like an interesting idea via frolic.
  • 4000km through the US in six minutes: I’m exhausted just thinking about it but if you’re cooped up inside today, see the US in the time it drink your coffee.
  • Museums on Pinterest: Mashable’s list of eight museums using Pinterest in creative ways and reaching a new audience.
  • Read Trouve: After hiking the US, sit down and enjoy new mag on the digital block Trouve, “celebrating the creative lifestyle and those who live it”.
  • The house in the sea: A 1930s house with its own suspension bridge. Amazing.
  • Play all day: Wonderfully imaginative playgrounds by Danish firm Monstrum
  • Security warning: This article on “How I Lost My $50,000 Twitter username” is also a salient lesson in protecting your online brand.
  • Chinese new year ritual: It’s the year of the horse and I love Victoria’s superstitious ritual for the new year.
  • And for your Lego fans, anxiously awaiting the new movie, they’ll love this featurette:

Wherever you are, stay cool or stay warm this weekend and have a great one!