Like Totally Deep and Serious Thoughts While Strolling Through the Garden This Fine Evening

By John Markowski @jmarkowski0

I'm digging the darker bloom color on Amsonia 'Blue Ice' as compared to my 'Tabernaemontana':
I may just plant nothing but blue/purple flowers from here on out. Just THE best color, especially backlit by the sun in early evening:

I love Penstemon 'Husker's Red' and its foliage color this time of year. I can actually do without the blooms and may remove them to maintain that foliage hue. Who's with me? Also, I stared at this configuration of 5 for a long time wondering if I should move them around into a different type of grouping. I suck.:

Is there anything more reliable than Nepeta (Catmint)? 'Walker's Low' is about to bloom and will soon lead to big time bee singing. Good times (except for my wimpy children who complain every day on our walk to the bus. Get over it already you brats):

Hypericum 'Albury Purple' ... love it ... but you know what I just learned? The common name "St. John's Wort" comes from the fact that it was typically harvested on St John's Day (June 24) which is a celebration of John the Baptist's birth. Don't say I never taught yous nothin: