A lot of changes are about to happen in our family and I am extremely excited for things to change. We have not had a great start to the year however things have to get better eventually? I will be revealing more this week about new plans for Ben, Max and I as a family.
Being poorly this week has really stopped me doing things. Being poorly has affected how much I have posted on my blog, how much I have communicated with people and has affected our home life as I have not got as much done as I planned to this week. I am now hoping I am on the mend so normal life can resume.
Although I have been ill this week, I have spent a lot of time doing things I would not normally get to do. One night I decided to watch 10 episodes of a programme I adore and another night I just relaxed in bed and tried to read a magazine. These are things I never seem to have time for, It was nice to take some time away, and do some of the things I miss doing.