Like Children in a Sandbox, the President and Congress Have Not Learned How to Play Together

Posted on the 02 October 2013 by Barrysblogging

Our childish legislators, from the Congress to the White House have not yet learned how to get along. The President  is making out as if it is new for bills on one subject to have amendments added totally unrelated to the prime purpose of the bill. Congress has been doing this forever.  That is the major way that pork projects get passed, tacked on to other legislation. Yet he is trying to make us believe that this effort by the Congress to modify Obamacare is an attempt to blackmail the President. He has to grow up and recognize what has happened. The Tea Party Republicans, have backed away from attempting to repeal Obamacare (it is about time) offering instead to start the process of negotiating changes to the law to make it better. This is obvious in the modified bill (the CR)offered in the House of representatives when their original bill was tabled in the Senate. The House offered to compromise, but the Senate and the President did not even recognize it.  If they did and have instead chosen to ignore this, they are as unworthy to be in Washington as those children in a sandbox that have not learned how to play nicely together.  Instead of Harry Reid and the Democrat Party controlled Senate and the President digging in their heels, pouting, pointing fingers at the other guys,  and saying No, No, NO,  refusing to negotiate, they need to grow up and recognize that the ONLY way to get anything done when one House is in Republican control, and the other is in Democrat control, is by passing different legislation, then assembling a joint conference committee to find the grounds for compromise to get important legislation passed. THERE IS NO EXCIUSE FOR SHUTTING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT  when there is agreement in both Houses of Congress that there was no desire to arrive at this juncture. Petulance is unbecoming our President and the rest of these misbehaving children we have elected. They need to grow up, and recognize the offer to compromise, come to the bargaining table, and do the job they were elected to do, governing, not pouting.
Themedia has also failed to do their job well. They feed us the biased points of
view expressed by the Republicans, the Democrats, or the President without
expressing the consternation reporters should be feeling since the truth is so obvious;
(it not what any of the legislators are saying) this problem is not about
finances or Obamacare, this is about COMPROMISE.