Lightwork for Syria

By Angellightheart @engelencoaching

This blog article is a call to Lightworkers all over the world to work with the angels to improve the situation in Syria. As Dutch help organisations are raising money to help those in Syria, we can add to these practical ways of support by adding our spiritual support.

We are all born from the same stardust, we breathe the same air as we are all children of the Earth. Do we simply watch the news and think the suffering of those far away have no relevance to us and our lives or do we help? Money is only one way to give. What if we all give light?

The angels respect the free will. When we pray for others we give the angels permission to intervene for the Highest good. Starting today, on Easter Monday, April 1 I will be sending healing and light to Syria. Will you join?

You can add to this Lightwork in any way that feels right to you. You can call on the angels, meditate, visualize or send healing in any modality you are trained in. Or you can join this week of calling in the angels (or better yet, repeat it for three consecutive weeks):

Day 1: call on Archangel Michael. Ask him to protect you during your lightwork and then ask him to wrap all the people of Syria in his protective cloak of deep blue light. See how his sword of Light cuts away the darkness and how he uses his tube of Light to vacuum away all clouds of despair. Ask him to help the people transform their thoughts from darkness to light.

Day 2: call on Archangel Zadkiel and ask him to send the Golden, Silver, Violet Flame to the area to transform and transmute all the pain, despair and aggression. Meanwhile transform similar energies within yourself. When we heal ourselves, we heal because a piece of the world. Let Zadkiel’ s energy bring forgiveness to all people in Syria.

Day 3: ask Archangel Uriel to bring peace to the country and throughout the Middle East. Visualize how his sword radiates peace to the people and the land and cuts away anything withholding the peace.

Day 4: ask Archangel Raphael to send healing to all who need it, anyone who suffers from the situation. Let his light and healing go to all doctors and nurses, so that miracles can befall those who suffer.

Day 5: call on Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary to help, console and support all the war children. As the children receive healing  conflict in future generations is prevented.

Day 6: ask Chamuel to fill the hearts of the people love, gentleness and compassion.

Day 7: Finally, ask the angels of the rainbow bridge to bring the souls of those who died to the Light with the help of Archangel Azraël. Ask them too comfort and support their living loved ones.

Thank you!

Angel Blessings


Note: You can enhance this light work by making use of the corresponding Crystal Essences. They are for sale in the Dutch webshop. Feel free to inform about them as I can include translations with orders for those outside of the Netherlands when needed: