Lifestyle|| The Guilt of Not Exercising & Knowing It’s Ok

By Clo Hutch @lashesoflife

The guilt I feel when I can't fit my three or four workouts in during the week hits me hard. Really hard. Especially if I've been out feasting or if I've drank a lot. It affects my mood, my energy and self-esteem. I just don't feel me and I feel bad for not working out how to slot it in. But these busy weeks where you can't fit it all in happen, and we need to know it's ok.

I'm not talking about the little excuses for not exercising, like being a little tired, or needing to sort flat stuff. I'm talking about being ill or run down, holidays and a super busy social schedule. Some weeks are busier than others, and sometimes we just can't possibly fit in the number of workouts we usually do. Whether that's half a week off to recover properly from flu, or a week off because we're away, it occasionally gets in the way of a good sweaty session.

I know a few regular gym-goers who get the same feeling. That guilt. But we all need to know it's ok every once in a while.

Did you know that even pro-athletes take a week off every 2-3months...

I've been doing a bit of reading up on the subject, and taking a break from exercise actually has its own benefits. What did ya know?! Giving your body one or two days off between workouts doesn't always allow enough time for your body to recover properly before going at it again. However an extended break allows for a full recovery for the body, but also a refresh for the mind! A small break from working out also won't really affect your weights/cardio gains or even shape. In fact, it takes about 2 months of inactivity to completely lose the gain you've made. Yes, everyone is different, and the same article I read says your cardio fitness can decrease 5-10% in the first three weeks - but that's three weeks!

So half a week or a week here or there isn't going to make much difference!

Yes you might feel a bit sluggish. Not yourself - I don't feel me if I don't exercise. But in the grand scheme of things, it won't make that much change. Have you ever had a week off, gone for a run/workout and felt like you could push harder? That's because you rested. So once in a while is actually pretty good for you.

As I said at the beginning of this post, this is definitely something I still struggle with. It's not going to be easy to change, but I'm keen to shift away from the feeling bad if I can't fit another workout into my busy schedule. Especially if I'm doing all the things which make me happy. Plus, if we're super busy, chances are we're rushing about here, there and everywhere, which is exercise in itself - don't discredit those steps guys! I know I'm going to have to have a word with myself when I go travelling in August, because there's no way I'll be able to do a HIIT workout in Vietnam. Yes, I did workout when I went to St Lucia this year, because that's just me. But that's part of learning and growing, and I'm keen to keep doing so.

Do you struggle with this feeling of guilt? How do you overcome it?

Chloe xx