For a few years now I’ve been meaning to sit down and go through the several thousand images on my laptop, printing off the best, the most important, the most memory-provoking. Of course more important tasks always got priority, and I never did it. I sorely regretted that when my laptop died before university – I’m still working out a way to get it to stay on long enough to copy them over to a memory stick. The photos I do have left unsurprisingly still didn’t get printed, until a few weeks ago.
trees paper) but it also has a separate little section for photos. This means I can print out photo-sized images without having to trim them myself, and there’s no messing around trying to size the image either. The quality is pretty damn good too, I was quite pleased my work paid off as I have some lovely images to put into albums, frames, and make into presents…
And finally there’s the obligatory couple pictures! I’ve put this little arrangement together to show how much we have both changed since the beginning of our relationship – him more so than me! They also show how my boyfriend now cannot pull a nice face when presented with a camera lens…
What do you do with your photos?