Lifestyle: It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

By Ninegrandstudent

I’ll be the first to admit it; I’ve found it very difficult to get into the Christmas spirit this year. In actual fact, I’m still not totally there. Probably something to do with the two exams (disguised as coursework, of course) and two assessed lectures left this week. Thanks final year

We have, however, decorated our house with not one, not two but three Christmas trees. Admittedly one is in Libby’s room, but it all looks so lovely and festive that even the scrooge in me has been won over slightly. All this has been done on a tight student budget, so there’s no excuse not to get even a little into the festive spirit…

In the conservatory, a.k.a my favorite room of the house, despite it being bloody freezing most of the time, we have a white tree (not my usual taste, but it was so cheap last year I couldn’t resist!), decorated with white, silver and pink. Girly but I reckon it also looks quite sophisticated – and it looks great in that particular room.

We’ve gone more traditional in the lounge, a proper green Christmas tree (a bargain from Argos in second year, this is it’s third Christmas with us!) decorated with red and white. There’s cute hand-knitted decorations, sparkly ones, lights, it really is rather lovely. And we’ve even filled our fireplace with baubles, put Christmas cards up, and generally made it Christmassy.

It can be really hard to decorate a student house for Christmas on a tight budget, but I reckon we’ve got it down now – invest in a cheap tree, big boxes of baubles are around £5 from ASDA or Wilkos, or ‘borrow’ from parents’ lofts. We’ve not spent a fortune, but our house looks so festive. I definitely can’t wait to have my own proper ‘grown-up’ tree though, I’m almost tempted to drag W shopping for decorations in the January sales…

Have you decorated for Christmas yet? What color scheme have you gone for? Let me know if you’ve blogged about it!