Anyhow, I shall share with you my last week of August. I have somehow got my days mixed up and I seem to have more photos than days in August, but never mind.. here is my last week in picture.
Top right - Had a really lethargic non-productive day last Sunday due to a darn headache that stuck with me for a good 20hrs :-|
Bottom left - Bank Holiday Monday. Day trip to Kinema in the Woods, in Woodhall Spa.
Bottom right - My friends tasty looking pudding at our latest catch up.
Top right - Nail art! I've missed you!
Bottom left - Jimmy Carr live! Wasn't a huge fan of him up until a few months ago, and now I love him!
Bottom right - Yet another meal out! I think I love eating out a little too much!
I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I've enjoyed doing it.
I am thinking about doing this again sometime, probably in October as I've got quite a few events planned for that month too.
Let me know if you enjoyed!