Lifestyle: Happy Fortnightly Things #21

By Ninegrandstudent

I have a feeling these next few months are going to be busy! I’m trying to catch up with the study I should have started a while back, we’ve got a little holiday planned – and now we’re moving. Around 8 hours after arriving back from our holiday. With no free weekends in which to pack. Impeccable timing!

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  1. 460 days to go until the wedding! I know it’s still ages away but the days seem to be flying by now.
  2. A new flat. We’ve found a lovely one, had an offer accepted, now we’ve just got to get through all of the referencing bits and bobs. They don’t make it easy, do they?
  3. Brunch at The Dynamo. I had the same as last time (with an extra slice of toast) and it was just as yummy as I remembered!
  4. Go Ape at Leed’s Castle. A beautiful location, a demanding high-ropes course (physically and mentally – with no upper body strength and a fear of heights/wobbling I found it tough) and my best girlies. I’m so proud I got all the way round with only a bit of sitting back in my harness and pulling myself along!
  5. A night in. W stayed at a friends so I watched girly films, had a bit of a pamper evening and…cleaning the kitchen. I know how to have a good time!
  6. Some good books. The Murderer’s Son was a highlight last weekend.
  7. Spending some time with my future in-laws. It was good to catch up and hear about their recent trip!
  8. Passing my first professional exam. It was a weird one – I had to take part in an online forum for two weeks, do a bit long workbook, and then finally a multiple-choice test a month later. It’s all done and dusted now and my name should be on the pass-list when it goes live later today. I also find out about the biggggg one I took in April next week so I’ve got my fingers crossed!
  9. An ice-cream shop has opened in Putney. I plan to make the most of it!
  10. My office summer party, in the grounds of the Tower of London. Such a gorgeous backdrop!

That’s it for now – hopefully next time I’ll be able to talk about a signed and sealed flat, packing, study and other dull things!

What’s made you happy lately?