Lifestyle: Happy Fortnightly Things #10

By Ninegrandstudent

It’s Christtttmasssss!

Hands up who else can’t believe how quickly December crept up on us?! These past two weeks have been pretty full-on again. Lots of celebrating, an awful lot of food, more than a little cheeky shopping and cramming in study whenever I could too. I’m SO looking forward to a few weeks off over Christmas and New Year now, I seriously need to recharge my batteries!

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Here’s what’s been making me happy recently…

  1. Birthdayyyyy! I turned 23 at the beginning of the month and had a lovely, lovely chilled few days celebrating.
  2. Mulled cider. My favorite winter-y tipple, there’s a pub in Leadenhall Market that does this perfectly.
  3. A new Kindle. My parents treated me for my birthday. I’m so, so grateful and it was sorely needed after mine decided to die a slow and painful death over November.
  4. Getting positive feedback on my first assignment. Yes, I failed it, but it was clear I’d mis-read a question and I know exactly where I need to work on. Feeling motivated now!
  5. Honest burgers. Again. I met one of my besties after work and it was DELISH!
  6. The best eggs I’ve eaten. Ever. The yolk porn was insane.
  7. Seeing The Lion King. It was just amazing. I cried.
  8. Spending a fortune (worth of gift cards!) on New Look. I’m just hoping it all fits…
  9. Making new blog friends. I headed over to a Co-Op and Sorted Food event last week and met Tanya for the first time. We drank too much prosecco and had a ball.
  10. Ginger, Orange & Chocolate Cookies. My new favorite treat.

What’s been the highlight of your last week?