Life: Summer Days

By Mpartyka @mpartyka2
Hello friends,
It's 'hair in a bun' every day humid, and where's the slip-n-slide hot!
It's been a h.o.t. summer in America. The World Traveler's reaction to 'real feel' of 113F/45C yesterday, at 11am in Northern NJ, made me smile.
Last summer I sorted through my grandma and great-grandfather's 100+ photo albums.  While removing blurry photos and multiple versions of the same photo,  I was rewarded with a few gems.. like this one.
Summer of 1973: this is Bush Lake, my childhood lake/home base when not playing near Nine Mile Creek.  These balancing bars were located mid beach, I'm looking towards the snack shack, the swings are to right.  I worked so hard to stand up and not fall, was so proud in this photo.  Look at the teenagers below me, a great summer moment captured on film.
Do you remember swings that swung so high you thought you were flying?
Metal docks with dozens of Sunfish seeking shade?
Life before central air-conditioning? 
I made a few changes over the weekend, after visiting a blog organized in a meaningful way. You know I love anything that let's me organize (ha). 
What changed? IF you happen to visit my blog you will find my favorite social media vices highlighted:
- Goodreads listed to the right (currently reading & 2015 books read)
- Tabs at the top for:
   {Instagram} most recent 24 photo's (1000+ in four years, yikes) 
   {Books + Podcast} all things yesteryear
May I suggest following me on instagram and goodreads for real time life updates?  Sign up for email blog updates (less than 10 a year) and you are connected - it's that easy!
I wonder what blogging will look like in a decade?  
The World Traveler's BIG 5-0 is this year.  I'm planning an epic island celebration.
We secured this island in January but now the planning begins. It's similar to planning a wedding, with several details to finalize.
Countdown: 87 days
Last night I started reading The Rocks, written by Peter Nichols.  I just know I'm going to enjoy it.  Set in Mallorca in 2005, traveling back to 1949.  A part of the world that I adore, perfect for summer.
I have read about 25 books for pleasure this year. 
Hoping you are enjoying summer as much as I am this year.
~ much love, Mari