Life, Liberty and 27

By Alissakelly @ALK_FeelingGood
This is it. It's here. Duh duh duh. It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to....... I could go on, but I won't.
27 years ago today I entered the world and my parents' life would never be boring again! Not gonna lie: all I can think about is I'm out of the mid-twenties and too close to 30. But let's focus on the positives, shall we?
I can't help but look back on some of my accomplishments in life:
- 5+ years of teeth pullings, an expander, braces, surgeries and so. much. pain.
- landed my dream internship & spent an entire summer in NYC away from home
- took lessons and got my driver's license (8 years late)
- earned a college degree
- started this here blog, joined CapFABB and gained so many fabulous friends
Of course, this day isn't all about me. It's hard to put into words how great it is to share a birthday with our fantastic country. Fireworks and a double celebration never gets old! Hope you all have an amazing 4th... I'm off to celebrate in DC!
Happy 236th birthday, America!!

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