Life Lately

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

Lately, I feel pulled in all directions. Mentally. I don't know what issue to take up. Politics? Climate change? Violence? Women's rights? It seems like everything is up in the air right now and if no one catch it then, it will all come crashing down. I feel so exhausted from talking/reading/thinking about the world events and America/Indian politics right now that I can barely function. It might sound like an exaggeration but it is not. I think we collectively need a break from this.

Moving on to health and diet, I am doing quite well. My biggest challenge is to make heathy choices while being on-the-go and while traveling. I was able to conquer them both in the past month. I have chosen a salad for all my meetings in the past two months. And on my recent trip to Panama City, not only did I stay within my caloric intake I also lost a few pounds. Say whaaa? I will be completing one month with Jenny Craig in a week's time. One lesson I have learnt from it is that I was highly over estimating my portion sizes. Will be sharing more about it next Friday.
Workouts are the only thing I have been consistent with over the years. For the past one year I have been doing OTF which has been quite challenging but rewarding. I plan to add boxing and yoga to my weekly workouts, to mix things up. I am looking forward to something new and exciting.

Talking of new and exciting...I got a hair cut last month for my birthday. Something similar to my inspiration. While I was happy with it for the past two weeks, now I wish I had gotten them cut much shorter. Thoughts?

As for travel, there are no plans this month. I am quite happy to spend the whole month at one spot. I have missed being home. I have missed doing nothing. I need a day to do nothing. Heck, I need a month of doing nothing!

How has your life been lately?

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at