Life is Precious

By Michiemichiee

A few days ago (on Thursday to be exact), two people have been killed when a Melbourne wall fell on top of them while they were walking. One of the victims is a 19 year old boy from Montmorency, who died protecting his younger sister. The younger sister who was critically injured by the incident has lost her fight for life earlier today. My deepest condolence and sympathy goes out to their family and friends.
Life is precious.
Sometimes, we forget that it only takes a moment to lose what you have. It takes something tragic to make us realize that those little problems, little imperfections, the little things that we tend to focus on, and waste energy worrying about all seems so unimportant. 
What’s important is to embrace what you have and never take a moment for granted, because everything can end just like that. 
Michelle Lai.