Life Is Not Fair (But Most People Believe It Should Be)

Posted on the 26 December 2016 by Jobsanger
Life Is Not Fair (But Most People Believe It Should Be)
Life is not fair, especially economically. It doesn't take a genius to know that. But according to a new poll, most Americans believe it should be.
The chart above is from a recent YouGov Poll -- done on December 21st of a random national sample of 1,319 adults.
About 63% of Americans say they think life should be fair (including 70% of Democrats, 55% of Independents, and 58% of Republicans).
This makes me wonder. If people really believe that, why do they keep voting for politicians who don't believe that. And I'm referring to Republican politicians, whose policies favor the rich above everyone else. Their policies have created a huge gap in income and wealth between the rich and all other Americans, and they are proposing policies to increase that gap -- making the economic life of all Americans much more unfair.
Government can initiate policies that make the economy fairer to all citizens. That's not a pipe dream, because it's been done in the past. So why do Republican politicians continue to stick with they failed trickle-down policies? Why don't they abandon it and embrace policies that are fairer to all citizens? Could it be that they really only care about the rich?