Life is Beautiful When You Follow Your Dreams. Last Post of The Year!

By Rohan @rohanforsale

Hey guys! I know I haven’t been around a lot lately, my music has really taken over. In fact in the last 6 weeks I’ve…

* Recorded and released the Dublin City Rounders first album

* Been dressing like a cowboy and playing all over town

* Been developing my little music publishing business Beardfire Music

* Put together a Cafe Mix Tape and handed it to hundreds of cafe owners via email and in person

* Recorded and released the David Virgin and the Stanley Knife Brothers album

* Got my dad’s music on French, German and Irish radio, TV and podcasts

* Released my best of album celebrating 10 years of (fricking awesome!!) Rohan music

What I’ve realised, more than anything over the past year, is that when you listen to your true desires, when you focus on the things you are good at and the things you love to do, you are always taken care of. When I’m writing or playing music – following my true path – the rewards are truly mine and the hardships have meaning. When I stray from my path any rewards are hollow and any suffering is without meaning or value.

Nice specs!

Two days ago I was busking in Temple Bar with my brother when 2 Italian gentlemen stopped for a moment to watch before reaching in their bag and placing a pair of basically new 200 euro Ray Ban sunglasses onto my face and popping the case onto our guitar case with the rest of the change. Last night an older musician took it upon himself to ask everyone in the pub to place some money in our tip jar. It’s a beautiful thing to watch everyone from tiny children to old folk dancing and smiling thanks to the music we produce.

When I think of the people I never would have met, the little miracles and moments that never would have occurred if I didn’t make the time to write and to play music I shudder. It’s not about what we do in this life so much as it is about what we decide not to do. And it’s not easy. There are people we can’t afford to spend time with, TV shows we can’t afford to vegetate in front of, hobbies and guilty pleasures that have to be put on hold or given up entirely if we wish to achieve something of value. I know it’s a cliché but in order to have or to achieve something truly great we must sacrifice. Whether it’s a good relationship, a work of art, an important project, a virtuous life or a competitive event, only through sacrifice will they be made real. 

So as we get ready to enter the new year remember, it’s not so important what we do (surely we know already what we like and what we want), it’s more about what we don’t do, what we decide to cut out of our routine in order to create the time, energy and peace required to tackle those important life goals and live your true existence according to your nature. And always remember; you will be protected as long as you are living your true path, life is beautiful when you follow your dreams.

Happy holidays all, and an awesome new year!! Oh and for those who haven’t got it yet my book “Feeling Happy Punk?” is free on Amazon up until and including Xmas day
