Life In The DC Area

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

We moved to the DMV area (or DC area) two years ago. It has been quite a joy ride ever since. We bought a house, I closed my business, started blogging full-time, pivoted into travel blogging, among many other things. I didn't plan to take any of the turns that I took in the last decade. Opportunities and ideas just popping up and I kept saying, "As long as I am true to myself and enjoying my life every-single-day, there is nothing that can come in my way or bring me down. (
I firmly believe in letting life take its course and not plan too far ahead or too stringently. So far, it has worked out just fine for me.
Yes!" and voila here we are. And the best part about this journey is that if it all gets taken away tomorrow, I will still be fine ... because I know that whatever lies ahead is going to be equally exciting and fulfilling. Sounds overtly positive, right? To me too :D but it's true!) On that note, in today's video I am sharing seven reason why I love my life since moving to the DMV area. Check it out below or directly on YouTube.

When we had moved, we were exploring the DMV in full throttle and had started a hashtag
#TanviInDC just to keep track of the pictures and now it is a great for for me to look back. I still use it frequently. Below are a few snapshots from the live in the last two years.

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at