Life in Four Words

By Richardl @richardlittleda

Low-tech comms

Regular readers of this blog will know that I am no stranger to multi-media digital communication. I love to experiment with the blended, interactive communication offered to us by digital technology. However, once in a while it is good to reassure people, and not least ourselves, that a point can actually be made with out a Powerpoint presentation, YouTube clip or audio.

Tonight is just one such occasion. I have been given 5-10 minutes to explain to local ministers what goes on in this church. Into my storybox (which I usually take to school assemblies) I have packed the four items you see below.

1. Pencil - the church has become so busy, with so many bookings from community groups, organisations, local people and our own activities, that we only dare book things into the diary in case things change.

2. Soft toy – our biggest growth area is our work with families and pre-school children. The church has become a venue of choice for many with babies and toddlers. Sadly this little fellow got left behind, along with scarves, shoes, hats, coats etc

3. Local magazine – the past three years have seen an increasing involvement with the local business community, which has been a delight. In the January 2013 edition of this magazine I was nominated for an New Year’s Honour in recognition of the way the church serves the community.

4. Carpet – this is a Baptist Church, and try as we might the carpet always gets wet when we hold a baptism. This little piece of carpet is dry, dry, dry- since we have not seen a baptism for far too long.

What would be your #fourwords ?