So, we've moved into our new place in Provo, UT and we love it! Three of our Copenhagen apartment could fit into this monstrosity (really, it's pretty normal size). AND, we have a washer, dryer, dishwasher, carpet...needless to say, I've been doing laundry just for the fun of it. Because I can! And because we haven't had those conveniences in awhile so it's still novel to me. Please remind me in 2 years that laundry is fun if I forget that 1st world detail.
This picture above is my sister as we took our last walk by the beach in San Clemente, CA before we packed our car to move up here. Our timing was funny. She's been living in UT for the past 7 years and recently decided to move back home at the same time we moved up here. So, as we unpacked our small belongings in our new place, we then packed up her abundance of treasures to set back to CA. Boo hoo. We had so many plans together. We were going to make creative mischief! Alas, plans change and as Walt Disney says, "We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we are curious, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." I'm excited for her in her new choice. I'm really excited about our new change too. There have been a number of what I believe are signs that make us feel like this is right.
"Life elevated". That's what the Utah license plate claims. And we can totally feel it on with the dryness and constant headaches. BUT, I'm also certain that 2013 will be a year of "life elevated". Raising the bar. Choosing to make it a good year. How about it?! Let's make it a good year! I have some great things planned for the year and lots of announcements to make so stay tuned!
Also, UT readers...I'm thinking of doing a meet-up of sorts. Maybe a workshop or clothes exchange or something...what do you think?