Life Drawing

By Pmeurice
   Although I spend most of my time recently working on cityscapes, I also need to keep in touch with Human figure... This subject is always on my mind and - a bit like an artistic addiction - is always coming back to drive my creative intuitions and needs. 
Here are a couple of words made from life. 
The first work is a pastel completed in a small day session yesterday, in a weekend art class in London. I was a bit disappointed with the set up : one model for around 15 painters, which means the subject is more about distant observation than getting the emotion from the model moves and attitude, as well, almost impossible to observe her face and the visage features. Finally, the light set up was really difficult : a mix of both artificial and natural light, coming from everywhere... When the day light was gone, we finally had a chance to add a bit of contrast in the composition... I was grumpy (poor tutors...), but tried my best to produce a work. 
Here it is : 

Life Drawing Pastel - Pink & Blue

Another drawing made last week, in the windsor Life drawing class - I did a couple of sketches, realizing I missed a lot drawing from the model and finding them a bit clumsy. At the end of the session, I tried a small portrait sketch, and was happy with the lead. Here it is : 

I believe it is key not to stay away from life Drawing for too long... Even though I work on some totally different subjects, if I am to work and produce pieces from human Figure, the subject is too complex for me to stay away. I have to draw from Life... I must keep doing it.