Life Can Throw You Curveballs

By Ally @allykitchen

One thing's sure about living. Life can throw you curveballs. And, life curveballs mean doing something and doing it now. Here's my story...

Being positive

On the journey of life, you never know what will come next. Yes, life will throw you those unexpected curveballs. There are no options for running or ducking. When you know a curveball is going your way, you have to take action. Because of a big curveball, I'll be taking a break from Ally's Kitchen for a few weeks. I am going to do wonders with yoga now. The process of reversing aging the yoga way is going to do wonders and will also keep you connected with me.

Positive perspective

I figured it was important for you to be aware of what's going on in my life. So, presumably, you'll take the time to read this very detailed explanation of what's going on. In addition, I'm hoping that my interactions will benefit someone else, such as you, a friend, or a family member. We recognize that we are all in this life together, and nothing is more powerful than learning from one another. Always remember the words of wisdom for women: your shoulders, never let them bent but keep them upright to help your partner take the support to you being there.

Keeping positive

After debating whether or not to announce this upcoming major event in my life, I concluded that you'd most likely note my absence! And, very honestly, I believe it is critical to inform you of what is coming up because, as I previously said, it could be of assistance to someone else. I'll be going under the knife for complete reverse shoulder replacement surgery in a couple days. Hey, trust me when I say I didn't make this decision lightly.

How to be more positive

After struggling with this 'issue' for about seven years and seeing little improvement, I thought it was time to visit shoulder surgery rehab, well, time to MAKE TIME, to see an orthopedist. You're probably thinking I might have done it earlier. And, as they say, hindsight is still 20/20. Yes, I should've done so. However, there was no major chronic pain. Nothing is getting in the way of my 'wonder woman' speed of life. There was nothing even interfering with or disturbing my night. I still had enough stamina to sprint and jump hard. In other words, this swollen shoulder was just a blip on my radar and a minor annoyance. Besides, I'd grown up with a strong mother who instilled in me the need to be strong and persevere.

How to stay positive in a negative situation

The doctor detected adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder based on my MRI, Xrays, and diagnosis. I felt relieved, saying to myself, "Hey, this can be fixed and rehabbed, and I'll be ready to go in maybe 6-9 months." and this was my reverse shoulder surgery: my progress after a few days.

Seeing the positive in every situation

The thought of seeing my bones sawed and being in intensive surgery was my worst nightmare. I mean, I've never had a broken bone in my life, so the idea of doing surgery gives me the creeps! I was determined to stop it at all times. Sharing this with some friends and relatives, I discovered that others had the same issue, and I assumed discovering yoga that I would be cured in no time. I was content as long as I could continue to practice my favorite yoga!