Life Before & After 9/11

By Kvlog101 @KVlog101
10 years ago nearly 3000 died in the twin towers and theimages streamed all over the world and gripped everybody’s life and from themmoments on nobody’s life was the same again…
The day of 9/11 affected everyone around the globe andpeople were shocked at the images that flooded the TV networks, the worldseemed to stop as everybody watched the events unfold. Losing any family member or friend is bad enough but theextra pain that the families must have gone through would have been unbearable,but life must go on and in living life to the full we honor our lost familyand friends and make this world better by living life to the full ourselves forthe people that are no longer living and this is the legacy of every person becausePeople leave a certain something in our lives and it is this that makes us whowe are…
I write this as a view on life and try to show how even theworst situations and disasters can have a hint of a positive effect on people canbe seen as a lesson or change of lifestyle that can benefit everybody by livinglife with a new direction or energy to honor our lost loved ones…I hope nobody sees this as offensive or harming to anybody, Ijust wanted to show that life is one big lesson that we are always learningfrom and show that even the darkest of situations has a silver lining even ifit is a faint one… 
I mean this by giving a fresh prospective of how life can beso fragile, and undervalued but it is things like 9/11 that put everybody’slife in perspective…
Thank you forreading…