Life as We Know It

By Avantipatil13 @EverytgabtAnytg
Life can be so rigid sometimes…we prefer is slow pace as we like indulging in it, enjoy the tranquil and get aligned to the flow of it and then a spur of moment comes when you feel why the hell was I so slow? Why does man always want something other than he has right now? Why can’t we just enjoy in the moment?
Life is very short. We think and we think and we plan again and again but somewhere down the line it does not matter at all. Learning to live life in the moment, striving to do something you really want to do and finally setting your feet on the destination you want to be ascertains a dream. OH, but then that’s not the end and it’s just the beginning of a new journey.
Cheers to LIFE as we know it...!!
Life as we know it