Life and Books: a Quick Update!

By Mpartyka @mpartyka2
Hello friends,
A quick note to say that I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving, ate well, and enjoyed time with family and friends.
We started our day running the annual Turkey Trot (the weather was perfect, 28F and sunny), followed with fresh squeezed orange juice mimosa's.

Not hosting let me read half a book, walk the dogs, and bake a 'just in case' pumpkin pie. Being vegetarian, I look forward to dessert on holiday's and can't imagine Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie.
We enjoyed a slice while watching football, in our pajamas around 10PM.
There was cake. There was dancing.
I can't believe we have been home from the island celebration for over a month.  Photos of the 40+10 celebration arrived in the mail on Wednesday (whoop).  Below are a few highlights from the evening.

Is it too early to start planning mine? HA... of course it is :)
I read TWO books over the long weekend. Books two and three in The Section YA series, each only 220 pages... but I read two books and that's worth celebrating.  You can find my reviews posted on Goodreads.
Next up: The Royal We. I will listen while preparing for the holiday party we are hosting.  Have you read it? It made the Goodreads Finals.   Fingers crossed!

Tomorrow I will enjoy dinner with friends.  Two of them are moving soon {sniff}.
Next weekend we are hosting an 80's themed holiday party for 60-70 guests.  We bought most of the food, and will start preparing on Thursday.   Wait until I share what I need to make...
I will be in Switzerland in EIGHT days!
   Much love, Mari