Lies by the Laity in the Catholic Church in America

By None

Below are some lies being propagated by a very vocal segment of the Catholic laity in the Church, particularly in America (and elsewhere). More lies will be addressed here as they arise, so that the sheep will not be taken in by the wolves who keep pretending to ‘save the Church’ from Herself:

  1. The entire hierarchy is “infested with demonic possession” – NOT. The Catholic Church is blessed with several priests who are, in fact, priests after the Divine Heart of God the Father. And they are not traditionalist either;
  2. Pope Francis “and his cronies continue to desecrate and annihilate our Christian heritage” – NOT. Just because they may not run the institutional Church according to your liking does not mean you are right;
  3. Pope Francis is visiting Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and discussing things with him about the Church, because the latter is still the one running the show, while the former is “just the legal Pope” – NOT. Pope Francis is not the proverbial puppet on a string, not to mention Benedict’s explicit and public commitment of obedience to Francis (not from Francis);
  4. The sacraments of the Catholic Church are “all being stripped of their supernatural dimension” – NOT. A physical impossibility as that dimension has been guaranteed by God Himself;
  5. The Catholic Church is “being coopted as a political rallying point for the formation of the New World Order” – NOT. If you are obsessed with two-party politics and ‘Armageddon’ scenarios, you will be capable of seeing nothing else outside of that restrictive lens.
  6. “95% of Catholics are not Catholic” – NOT. Apart from the unsubstantiated figure, this is another physical impossibility. If you were baptized into the Catholic Church, you are Catholic whether you or anyone else likes it or not. That does not mean you are necessarily a ‘good Catholic.’ However, you remain Catholic nonetheless.

It never fails to amaze at how many tend to be taken in by the above, given how manifestly blatant such lies and deceptions are.